SNAPP to Success: Twin Rivers Farm

Twin Rivers Farm is a U-pick berry farm located north of Thessalon, Ontario. The farm was a family-run U-pick operation for over 30 years, that provided fresh berries to the surrounding area.  Ryan & Cassie Whitehead purchased the farm in 2019 and produce strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries sold directly from the farm.  The Sustainable New Agri-Food Products & Productivity (SNAPP) …

Adapting to the new normal on Silver Creek Farm

Silver Creek Farm is a small family farm enterprise located outside Thunder Bay Ontario, producing pasture-raised heritage pork & beef, free-range eggs, spring seedlings, and seasonal heirloom vegetables. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a surge in demand for local beef and pork and as a result of this early surge in sales, the farm ran out of beef and pork freezer …

Indigenous Agri-Food Funders Forum

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs invites you to join two free Indigenous Agi-Food Funder’s Forum Webinars The forum will provide information on programs that encourage economic development in the agriculture sector and addresses Indigenous food security by linking Indigenous agri-food interests with suitable funders. Indigenous clients, communities, non-profits and private sectors are welcome to join. Webinar …

Year-Round Simple and Cost-Effective Growing in Algoma

Four-season growing in Algoma just got a whole lot easier. Colin Templeton, of the Food Bank Farm, puts forth a solution to the lack of winter growing opportunities in Northern Ontario. Last August (2020) Colin set up, what he calls, an indoor growth facility. The growth facility is constructed from a repurposed shipping container fitted with shelving, LED grow lights …

Riparian Restoration of the Thessalon River

A riparian zone is an area next to rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands.  It is usually made up of water plants and saturated soils, along with ecosystems associated with these areas. Riparian zones serve the very important role of preventing soil erosion, which improves water quality, benefits fish health, and maintains a sustainable shoreline. Without an established Riparian zone consisting …

Final Update- Weed control in Galega Part 2

In partnership with LUARS (Lakehead University Agriculture Research Station), RAIN developed a research project in order to find the optimum seeding time of galega in its establishment year, in terms of weed control and yield. Taking place in Algoma and Thunder Bay, the project completed its third year and final year in 2020.Yields were reported in part one of the …

Final Update- Weed control in Galega- Part 1

In partnership with LUARS (Lakehead University Agriculture Research Station), RAIN developed a research project in order to find the optimum seeding time of galega in its establishment year, in terms of weed control and yield. Taking place in Algoma and Thunder Bay, the project completed its third year and final year in 2020. There are two separate areas of galega …

Final Cross-seeding Update

In 2017 a new technique to Northern Ontario was demonstrated called cross-seeding (or cross drilling) in Algoma, Thunder Bay and Emo. Cross-seeding is a technique for establishing a crop where half the seed is planted in a conventional drive pattern using a seed drill. The other half of the seed is drilled at a 45 degree angle to the original …

The Sustainable New Agri-Food Products and Productivity (SNAPP) Program encourages northern Ontario farmers to consider reduced tillage practices.

SNAPP funding assists producers in innovating efficiencies or resources, reducing environmental and ecological impacts while enhancing profitability within their operations. More and more producers in northern Ontario are becoming interested in improving the health of their soil and adopting new ways to increase production. One of the most effective ways to restore and build soil matter is converting from conventional …

Best Management Practices for Alfalfa Production

Alfalfa is one of the most used forage for hay and feed production in Ontario, and best management practices are a very important aspect for producers. This project will be looking at different row spacing for alfalfa and sulphur fertilization. Sulphur has become an increasing area of interest for producers.  According to soil tests, most areas in northern Ontario are …