Weed Control in Galega

Galega (Galega orientalis) is a relatively new, perennial forage with origins between Europe and Asia and is currently imported into Canada from Scandinavia. The legume has the potential to rival the alfalfa currently being grown in Ontario, as a forage crop in both yield and protein content. Though its ability to compete with weeds increases with the development of its …

Buy Algoma Buy Local

The Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), an initiative of the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, has developed a buy local branding initiative: Buy Algoma Buy Local. Buy Algoma Buy Local connects people with local food, drinks, products and experiences to build stronger communities. We do this by bringing together our local producers, processors, farmers’ markets, restaurants and retailers to support buying …

Farm to Table: A Trendy Fad or Here to Stay?

RAIN, the Rural Agri-Innovation Network, a division of the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, is now ready to present its North-Central Food & Agriculture Market Study at three Farm to Table Forums in Algoma, Manitoulin and Sudbury. In 2018, local partners and RAIN contracted Harry Cummings & Associates Inc. to get a snapshot of local food purchases from the perspectives …

Northern Ontario Forages

In 2018 Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), Lakehead Agriculture Research Station (LUARS), New Liskeard Agriculture Research Station (NLARS) and Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance (NOFIA) teamed up to create the “Strengthening weed control, health and productivity in northern Ontario forages” project. Designated to the improvement and research of forages in Northern Ontario. In total there are three parts to this trial; …

Continuation of RAIN’s- Cross seeding forages project

In 2017 a new technique to Northern Ontario was demonstrated called cross-seeding (or cross drilling) in Algoma, Thunder Bay and Emo. Cross-seeding is a technique for establishing a crop where half the seed is planted in a conventional drive pattern using a seed drill. The other half of the seed is drilled at a 45 degree angle to the original …

Introducing RAIN’s- Riparian Zone Restoration Demonstration

A riparian zone is an area next to rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands which is usually made up of water plants and saturated soils, along with ecosystems associated with these areas. Riparian zones serve the very important role of preventing soil erosion, which improves water quality, benefits fish health, and maintains a sustainable shoreline. Without an established Riparian zone consisting …

Introducing RAIN’s- Galega Trial

Galega (Galega orientalis) is a relatively new, perennial forage which has origins between Europe and Asia and is currently imported into Canada from Scandinavia. The legume has the potential to rival the alfalfa currently being grown in Ontario as a forage crop in both yield and protein content. Its earlier growing time in the spring allows for Galega to better …

Introducing RAIN’s- Alternative Legumes Project

Alfalfa is commonly grown as a forage crop in Ontario, but due to its sensitivity to wet and cold conditions it may not be the most suited to our Northern Ontario climate. By evaluating how alternative perennial legumes perform in Northern Ontario in comparison to alfalfa we can find the forage that best suits the needs of our local farmers, …

Introducing RAIN’s- Malting Barley Variety Trial

In recent years there has been a large increase in the number of craft breweries in Ontario, and as such the demand for malting barley in the country has increased. Currently the majority of the malted barley used in Ontario is being produced in Western Canada but recently the Canadian Malting Company has been taking interest in Northern Ontario’s grain …

Fair Finance Transforms Local Food in Ontario

Small flock chicken coop? Incubator farm? Local pizza and brewery? Community cannery? Co-operative abattoir? All the dreams of new local food and farm social enterprises just got closer to reality. The Local Food and Farm Co-ops (LFFC) is proud to announce a new initiative, the Fair Finance Fund for the local food and farm sector, and to work with the …