Understanding the impact and mitigation strategies of the COVID-19 outbreak on the agricultural sector in Northern Ontario
In Northern Ontario, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a disruption of food demand, labour and supply chains. Agri-businesses face numerous pandemic-induced challenges including labour shortages and limited marketplaces.
A collaboration of organizations including the Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), University of Guelph, Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance, Greater Sudbury Food Policy Council and Collège Boréal formed to identify and respond to the needs of Northern Ontario agri-businesses. For more details about the project, visit Collège Boréal’s website. The Research Team has curated a survey to rapidly identify the emerging needs of Northern Ontario agri-businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results will allow partner organizations to quickly position respective services to:
1) Enhance supports for production, distribution, and marketing activities during the pandemic
2) Provide evidence-informed recommendations and business strategies for agri-businesses and policymakers in the post-pandemic period.