The Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), an initiative of the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, has developed a buy local branding initiative: Buy Algoma Buy Local.
Buy Algoma Buy Local connects people with local food, drinks, products and experiences to build stronger communities. We do this by bringing together our local producers, processors, farmers’ markets, restaurants and retailers to support buying local here in Algoma.
The value of supporting local.
When you buy local, we see a positive change in our environment, economy, community and as individuals. Buying local builds stronger communities, grows our local economy and reduces our environmental impact. When you buy local you know that the food was grown, produced, harvested and processed in Algoma. Not to mention, local food is fresher and healthier.
How to get involved?
Become a member! If you are producing, selling or serving local you can be a member. We will create awareness of our members by promoting where people can taste local, shop local and experience local.
Why get involved?
We don’t want this to be just a membership. Our goal when you join Buy Algoma Buy Local is to continually engage with your business and promote you as much as we can. We have a passion for local and we want those who produce and support local to succeed.

- Members have access to our brand logo to use in promotional materials (e.g. website, social media platforms, displays, packaging etc.)
- Members are provided a Buy Algoma Buy Local decal to display (e.g. storefront, farmers’ market, farmers market booth, farmgate etc.). We will be encouraging people to spot the Buy Algoma Buy Local decals and will recognize that you’re either producing or sourcing local.
- Members have a business listing in The Local Guide (directory) and 5,000 copies are distributed through Algoma
- Members have an online listing on www.buyalgoma.ca and www.ontariofresh.ca so that consumers can find you business
- Members have the opportunity to promote their business in various marketing campaigns hosted by RAIN and the Buy Algoma Buy Local campaign
- Members have the opportunity to promote their business at various community events
- Members have the ability to connect with other Buy Algoma Buy Local members through our monthly e-newsletter
- Members have access to www.ontariofresh.ca, a network of 2200 + members: wholesale food buyers, sellers, and processors from a diverse region of Ontario
Get involved today, show your love for Buy Algoma Buy Local. www.buyalgoma.ca