North-central Food & Agriculture Market Study

The NFAMS study was initiated in June 2018 by the Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), a division of the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC), and advanced by a broad group of organizations with interests in supporting agri-food development through market research in the Algoma, Manitoulin, and Sudbury area.

The study was designed to examine the local food economy for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the regional market with a special focus on food demand. The study consisted of two major research elements: key informant interviews with local businesses and organizations representing four types of food demand (food processing, food retail, food services, and food programs) and focus group discussions with local producers and related interest groups.

Study Download

There are three separate reports of the Study that analyze the Algoma, Manitoulin and Sudbury Regions.

NFAMS Algoma Region Report PDF

NFAMS Manitoulin Region Report PDF

NFAMS Sudbury Region Report PDF

Étude du marché agroalimentaire du Centre-nord de l’Ontario – Rapport de la région de Sudbury PDF

Study Data Catalogue

An interactive catalogue of the data collected during the 2018 NFAMS Market Study was also generated. The catalogue provides detailed data on the procurement and use of local food products. Northern Ontario agriculture and agri-food producers who are interested in this data catalogue should contact David Thompson, RAIN Project Coordinator to receive a copy – (705) 942-7927 x3027 /

Community Presentations

Three community presentations were also completed in March 2019 in Algoma, Manitoulin and Sudbury that shared a Powerpoint presentation on the Study results.

NFAMS Algoma Bruce Mines Presentation March 19 2019

NFAMS Manitoulin Little Current Presentation March 25 2019

NFAMS Sudbury Presentation March 27 2019

At the Sudbury presentation there was interest in food expenditure household consumption data of food. For each region, this data is available at OMAFRA’s website on County Statistics at: