Final Update- Weed control in Galega- Part 1

In partnership with LUARS (Lakehead University Agriculture Research Station), RAIN developed a research project in order to find the optimum seeding time of galega in its establishment year, in terms of weed control and yield. Taking place in Algoma and Thunder Bay, the project completed its third year and final year in 2020. There are two separate areas of galega …

Final Cross-seeding Update

In 2017 a new technique to Northern Ontario was demonstrated called cross-seeding (or cross drilling) in Algoma, Thunder Bay and Emo. Cross-seeding is a technique for establishing a crop where half the seed is planted in a conventional drive pattern using a seed drill. The other half of the seed is drilled at a 45 degree angle to the original …

Best Management Practices for Alfalfa Production

Alfalfa is one of the most used forage for hay and feed production in Ontario, and best management practices are a very important aspect for producers. This project will be looking at different row spacing for alfalfa and sulphur fertilization. Sulphur has become an increasing area of interest for producers.  According to soil tests, most areas in northern Ontario are …

Alternative Legumes- 2020

In spring of 2018, five legumes were planted at the Algoma Community Pasture to show alternative legumes that could potentially be utilized in a Northern Ontario climate. Alfalfa is commonly grown as a forage crop in Ontario, but due to its sensitivity to wet and cold conditions it may not be the most suited to a Northern Ontario climate. By …

Weed Control in Galega- 2019 update

Through Partnership with LUARS (Lakehead University Agriculture Research Station), RAIN has developed a research project in order to find the optimum seeding time of galega in its establishment year, in terms of weed control and yield. Taking place in Algoma and Thunder Bay, the project is currently in its second year, with one more year in 2020.   The galega …

Soil Sampling Services

Why soil sample?When a producer is aware of the needs of their soils, there is greater potential for increased yields and profits. Soil sampling can reduce operating costs, improve crop maturity and quality, high tolerance to disease and pests damage, and more. When to soil sample?Soil tests are generally required every 3 – 5 years. Sampling your fields at the …

Malting Barley-2019 Update

Northern Ontario has a similar climate to western Canada and is a promising location for malting barley production. However, the grain needs appropriate management practices to meet the strict quality requirements for brewing. Since growing conditions vary across northern Ontario, research on varieties and nutrient management techniques are essential to allow farmers to anticipate yields and returns for their farms. …

Alternative Legumes- 2019 Update

In spring of 2018, five legumes were planted at the Algoma Community Pasture to show alternative legumes that could be potentially utilized in Northern Ontario climate. Alfalfa is commonly grown as a forage crop in Ontario, but due to its sensitivity to wet and cold conditions, it may not be the most suited to a Northern Ontario climate. By evaluating …

Northern Ontario Forages

In 2018 Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), Lakehead Agriculture Research Station (LUARS), New Liskeard Agriculture Research Station (NLARS) and Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance (NOFIA) teamed up to create the “Strengthening weed control, health and productivity in northern Ontario forages” project. Designated to the improvement and research of forages in Northern Ontario. In total there are three parts to this trial; …

Introducing RAIN’s- Galega Trial

Galega (Galega orientalis) is a relatively new, perennial forage which has origins between Europe and Asia and is currently imported into Canada from Scandinavia. The legume has the potential to rival the alfalfa currently being grown in Ontario as a forage crop in both yield and protein content. Its earlier growing time in the spring allows for Galega to better …